Old water colour of Fordwater 1930's
Check back here regularly to find out what's going on at Fordwater B&B.
Long Tail Tit invasion sometimes the count is 9...
Currently our feeders are attracting Nuthatches, Blue Tits, greedy Great Tits, Coal Tits, Long Tail Tits, Robins, Dunnocks, Field Sparrows.and Pied Wagtails. We also see Greater Spotted Woodpeckers.
Deer regularly visit the fields and once ventured into the B&B garden nibbling the tree bark!
Swallows nested in the barn this year for a change maybe taking advantage of the Barn Owls relocating over summer. The owls are now back however sitting outside their box looking fed up with the weather....
We decided to clean out their box in preparation for the 2017 nesting season and a good job we did! 5 carrier bags of old 'nests' (old decomposed owl pellets so bones basically!) left room for a new clutch. The nest cannot be too close to the entrance otherwise the chicks can fall out and our box was almost full! No doubt the adults had a bit of a shock returning to the box after the disturbance. We are hoping now for a large family in 2017!
Rare to see, the owl made some daytime hunting sortis, perching on fence posts then pouncing into the grass. Another flying along the hedgerows hoping for a quick snack.